Facial Plastic Surgeries

Self-esteem, Beauty, and Fulfillment walking hand in hand

True beauty can only be achieved when our exterior reflects the love we feel for ourselves. It's not about standards but rather about what we do to find that harmony.

Facial Rejuvenation
and Harmonization

The aging process inevitably leaves its marks on the body, and the face, due to its expressiveness, becomes particularly susceptible to visible changes that often do not reflect the inner vitality.

The central commitment of Facial Rejuvenation procedures performed by Dr. Pedro Brandão is to provide natural, elegant, and discreet results, ensuring that the patient’s expression remains harmonious and, above all, suitable for their specific facial type.

Through personalized Treatment Plans and Surgeries, taking into account the unique and essential characteristics of each patient, we aim to preserve the authenticity of each individual, ensuring that the rejuvenation process is a celebration of natural beauty, providing results that seamlessly integrate with the unique expression of each face.

Learn more about the procedures performed by Dr. Pedro Brandão below...

Facial Plastic Surgeries

Facial Plastic Surgeries cover a variety of goals aimed at corrections and rejuvenation in key facial regions. Designed to address both aesthetic and functional needs, these interventions aim to refine specific points that cause discomfort to the patient. The main focus is to provide significant improvements not only in facial aesthetics but also in the individual’s quality of life and self-esteem, making each procedure a quest for harmony and personal well-being.

Reclaim the unique beauty of your face in a harmonious and natural way

Facial Aesthetic Treatments

Treatments aimed at combating wrinkles and sagging in the face.

Visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and skin sagging often impact self-esteem. These aspects can affect personal confidence and the perception of beauty. Feeling dissatisfied with facial appearance due to wrinkles and sagging can decrease self-confidence and influence social interaction, impacting a person’s emotional well-being.


Dr. Pedro Brandão

CRM-DF 15499
RQE 14130

Born in Brasília, Dr. Pedro is a Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) and the American Society of Plastic Surgery. He graduated in medicine from the Higher School of Health Sciences in the Federal District, where he worked in various healthcare settings.

He completed his residency in plastic surgery at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. During this time, he perfected rhinoplasty techniques at the University of Texas at Southwestern in the United States and undertook a fellowship at the Ivo Pitanguy Institute.

Beauty with Health and Safety

Check out Patient Testimonials for Dr. Pedro Brandão

Frequently Asked Questions

Highlight your best features, regain self-esteem, and live your best version!

There is no gender-specific distribution of suitability. Both women and men can undergo plastic surgery. The only difference is that there are procedures exclusive or more common for women and others exclusive or more suitable for men.

The ideal age for a patient to undergo plastic surgery depends on each individual and, most importantly, on the specific procedure they wish to undergo. Some surgeries are best performed in childhood (for example, Cleft Lip and Ear Pinning surgeries), while others are suitable for older individuals (for example, Eyelid surgery). However, in general, there are some contraindications for plastic surgery in very young patients (babies or early childhood) or very elderly individuals. Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, each case should be individually assessed by the plastic surgeon.

Every surgical procedure, in any medical field or specialty, carries risks for patients. These risks can be greater or lesser depending on the surgery and the health of the patients. In the case of plastic surgery, these risks are minimal, especially because, before any procedure, the patient undergoes a thorough pre-evaluation by the plastic surgeon.

The decision to undergo a plastic surgery procedure should be thoroughly discussed with the plastic surgeon. Similarly, this decision should be deeply considered by the prospective patient. This is because reversing the results of a plastic surgery can be challenging to achieve. In general, there are simpler procedures with less complex reversals, and larger, more complex procedures with little to no chance of reversal. Considering this, the decision to undergo such a surgery should only be made when approved by the plastic surgeon and, especially, when the patient is completely and irrevocably certain of their desire and need.

Yes, it is possible to undergo two or more plastic surgeries at the same time. However, this possibility depends on the types of surgeries to be performed, the patient’s health, and, fundamentally, the thorough evaluation by the plastic surgeon. The surgeon may even advise against combining certain procedures based on their assessment.

This is one of the main concerns for patients. Indeed, plastic surgery is a surgical procedure that involves incisions in the skin. Like any incision in the skin, scarring is a natural result. However, advancements and refinement in plastic surgery techniques have led to most procedures having scars that are ‘hidden,’ very discreet, or nearly imperceptible. In some cases, the scar is indeed imperceptible to the naked eye. During the consultation with the plastic surgeon, they will explain in detail to the patient all the aspects of the surgery, including potential scarring.

Again, each plastic surgery should be assessed separately, based on the individual profile of each patient. The postoperative period for a plastic surgery will be specific to each procedure, ranging from a few weeks to months. It is crucial for each patient to understand that the final result of a plastic surgery is directly related to strict adherence to the postoperative guidelines provided by the surgeon. Failure to follow these guidelines can compromise not only the outcome of the surgery but also the patient’s health.

Primarily, yes, as long as hypertension and diabetes are well-controlled. In these cases, as in all preoperative cases, a comprehensive battery of tests is requested by the plastic surgeon, and only if the results of these tests are satisfactory will the professional proceed with the treatment towards the surgery.

Your journey to true beauty and fulfillment begins here!

For many people, Plastic Surgery is a dream. For us, at Pedro Brandão Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, it is medicine, vocation, and responsibility. That’s why we are always investing in improvement and infrastructure to serve our clients with the utmost quality, efficiency, and safety possible.

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Nose Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at correcting and shaping the aesthetics of the nose. There are numerous possible outcomes with this procedure, which are determined through a conversation between the doctor and the patient to assess their desires and what is realistically achievable.

The possibilities of Rhinoplasty

What can be adjusted and improved in rhinoplasty?

  • Nose size: larger or smaller
  • Dorsal width: wider or narrower
  • Dorsal curvature: straighter or more curved
  • Tip angle Tip shape: upturned or straighter
  • Nostril size
  • Alar width: more open or more closed


Eyelid Plastic Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure, with both aesthetic and functional purposes, that rejuvenates the area around the eyes, improving the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin and fat in this area.

How is the Blepharoplasty procedure performed?

In the upper eyelid, a thin incision is made in the eyelid crease, and in the lower eyelid, the incision occurs slightly below the lash line. Through these incisions, it is possible to address excess skin and fat pockets around the eyes.

Often, there is also an indication to combine the procedure with a brow lift for eyebrow suspension, creating an even more harmonious result.

Face Lifting

Face Rejuvenation Surgery

Facelift surgery is the aesthetic intervention aimed at those seeking to reduce wrinkles, combat sagging, and eliminate excess skin on the face. The concept of the procedure suggests lifting, and that is precisely what this technique provides to the face, notably smoothing expression lines, restoring, and refining facial contours.

For whom is Facelift indicated?

Facelift is indicated for patients experiencing facial aging caused by the natural passage of time and external factors that accelerate the process.

Those individuals typically exhibit deep folds, sagging, nasolabial folds (smile lines), wrinkles, and loss of muscle tone in the lower face with a diminished jawline. It is generally recommended for individuals over 40 years old.

Neck Lifting

Surgery for Neck Rejuvenation

It focuses on removing excess skin and fat, as well as tightening the skin and repositioning the underlying tissues of the neck through small incisions that may be in front or behind the ears or in the scalp

For whom is Neck Lift indicated?

Indicated for those who wish to restore firmness and definition to the neck area. This procedure is especially recommended for individuals showing visible signs of aging in this area, such as the formation of muscle bands, fat accumulation, skin sagging, and loss of definition in the cervical contour.

Individuals seeking to correct excess skin and wrinkles in the neck, often caused by natural aging, loss of skin elasticity, or genetic factors, can significantly benefit from neck lift. Additionally, the procedure is an option for those who have experienced substantial weight loss and wish to eliminate excess skin that may persist in the neck area.

Double Chin Liposuction

Aesthetic procedure designed to remove excess fat in the area below the chin, with the aim of better defining the contour of the neck and jaw. Submental Liposuction is an option for those who want to reduce the appearance of a double chin or neck sagging.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Typically, the recommendation for this procedure is directed at patients who maintain a stable weight but struggle to eliminate localized fat in the submental region, often influenced by genetic factors, aging, or loss of skin elasticity.

A consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential to assess the viability of the procedure and discuss the patient’s individual expectations, ensuring satisfactory and natural results.

Botulinum Toxin

Aesthetic treatment for dynamic wrinkles

Botulinum toxin works by blocking the electrical impulses that promote muscle contraction, temporarily preventing them from contracting. This results in a relaxation of the injected muscle, giving the skin covering it a relaxed appearance with less tendency for wrinkles. This effect is temporary, and its duration varies for each patient, requiring periodic touch-ups.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Botulinum Toxin Treatment is especially recommended for those seeking to revitalize their appearance and smooth visible signs of aging.

Ideal for both men and women, this procedure is intended for individuals looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a fresher and rejuvenated look. Whether you’re seeking a temporary and personalized solution to soften facial expressions while maintaining naturalness and individuality, Botulinum Toxin Treatment is the perfect choice. Whether for subtle rejuvenation or a more significant transformation, this treatment offers visible results and an adaptable approach.

Dermal Filler

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler

Dermal Fillers, most commonly hyaluronic acid, have the property of filling or increasing the volume of soft tissues in their various uses. They are widely used to enhance lip volume, improve facial contours, fill in retracted scars, address under-eye circles, and much more. Individualized assessments determine the best indications.

Who is the treatment recommended for?

Facial Filler with Hyaluronic Acid is an ideal option for those looking to restore lost facial volume over time, smooth wrinkles and expression lines, and enhance facial features.

This procedure is particularly recommended for men and women who have noticed a loss of elasticity and a decrease in facial contours, resulting in areas that may appear hollow or less filled. If you’re seeking a natural and effective approach to rejuvenate your appearance, Facial Filler with Hyaluronic Acid delivers remarkable results. With the unique ability of hyaluronic acid to attract and retain moisture, the treatment provides a smooth fill, giving a younger and more vibrant look. This procedure is customizable to meet the specific needs of each patient, offering a versatile solution to revitalize facial beauty.

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Cirurgia Plástica do Nariz

A Rinoplastia é uma cirurgia plástica com o objetivo de corrigir e modelar a estética do nariz. São inúmeros resultados possíveis com este procedimento, isto é definido com uma conversa entre o médico e o paciente para avaliar seu desejo e também aquilo que é possível realizar.

As possibilidades da Rinoplastia

O que é possível ajustar e melhorar na cirurgia plástica do nariz?

  • Tamanho do nariz: para maior ou menor
  • Largura do dorso: para mais ou para menos
  • Curvatura do dorso: mais reto ou mais curvo
  • Ângulo da ponta
  • Formato da ponta: arrebitada ou mais reta
  • Tamanho das narinas
  • Largura da asa: mais abertas ou mais fechadas

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